NAME: Help Youth Raise Money Online to Fund Small-Scale Enterprises
TOPIC: Local opportunity, Supports remote support
DURATION: 15th October 2020 – 15th December 2020 and ongoing
LOCATION: Cameroon
DEADLINE: If you want to apply fill the form before 15th December 2020
Assist startups in Cameroon-Africa with tech and your technical skills!
We are looking for 5 volunteers: Living in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, motivated between 18 and 45 years old, interested in youth empowerment.
Requirements for the volunteers:
Volunteers should have a creative mindset and understand how content works in social media.
Project design and development, as well as excellent research and writing skills is a plus.
Unemployment is responsible for the high rate of poverty amongst youth in Cameroon. With a belief in entrepreneurship as a pathway to employment, ACTLAB is seeking volunteers to develop a crowdfunding project supporting small-scale youth enterprises across Cameroon.
Our organization receives emails daily from Cameroonian youth requesting financial support for projects, pay for education, or to start a business. We see both a need and an opportunity to advance our mission by connecting funds seekers to ACTLAB Crowdfunding accounts, in order to raise money for these projects. Volunteers will work with ACTLAB to define the modalities for managing these projects through the various national youth organizations across Cameroon.